28.000 gebakjes per week maken in een kleine bakkerij in Brooklyn | Aan de lijn | Eet smakelijk

“We make about 13 to 14,000 cookies every week. For wholesale it’s about 28,000 items weekly. We can get all of these things done with planning, a great team, and really big mixers.” Bon Appetit spends a day on the line with Brianna Fortiz, pastry chef at The Good Batch in Brooklyn, a small bakery that also operates as a mini factory for 200 wholesale clients in New York.

Director: Gunsel Pehlivan
Director of Photography: Ben Dewey
Editor: Jamie Gordon
Creative Producer: Parisa Kosari
Line Producer: Jen McGinity
Associate Producer: Oadhan Lynch, Sahara Pagan
Production Manager: Janine Dispensa
Production Coordinator: Elizabeth Hymes
Camera Operator: Duell Davis
Assistant Camera: Berto Herrara
Production Assistant: Rowmel Findley
Post Production Supervisor: Andrea Farr
Post Production Coordinator: Scout Alter
Supervising Editor: Eduardo Araújo
Assistant Editor: Andy Morell
Special Thanks: Anna Gordon and The Good Batch Staff
Filmed on Location at The Good Batch

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Bon Appétit is a highly opinionated food brand that wants everyone to love cooking and eating as much as we do. We believe in seasonal produce, properly salted pasta water, and developing recipes that anyone can make at home.

27 gedachten over “28.000 gebakjes per week maken in een kleine bakkerij in Brooklyn | Aan de lijn | Eet smakelijk”

  1. I enjoyed this video so much. There are times when I want to bake, and just because I can't make up my mind, I do absolutely nothing and eat a Pop-Tart instead. Even though you were all so busy, everybody had such a serenity. Busy and serene all at the same time.

  2. Oh me, oh my. I dunno what the odds are of this comment ever making its way to Brianna, but if you happen to know her would you do me a favor and let her know that I’m gonna need her to go ahead and marry me. Obviously, I’m only joking. Kind of. Except not really. 😆

    My goodness though, does she have everything I want in a woman or what.

  3. She's one of those RARE individuals who can talk non- stop and you don't lose interest or dying on the inside, want to smack their pie hole.

  4. I don’t get how she called it a crumb coat when it ended up being the only layer of icing over the cake at the end

  5. You tell she loves that place, her boss, she has been well taught and nurtured but also very young with a long way to go. Her potential is huge!

  6. That comfort cake seems like it would be perfect for an adult. Like, not too sweet, a little sour, just more depth of flavor and not just slapping you in the face with sugar. I'd definitely want a slice.

  7. That freezer walk-in was rough. Too much moisture in that place. Needs more maintenance in regards to ice formation.

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